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Returns & cancellation policy

If you do decide to return your order, you can cancel up to 14 days after the day of delivery for a full refund. Before returning, please contact our customer service team and they’ll supply you with a returns number. Any returned goods must be complete, unused, and in "as new" condition. Please ensure any goods being returned are packaged adequately to keep them safe on their journey. Unfortunately any items received that are damaged or not packaged correctly will not be accepted back into stock.


Please remember, in all situations where there is no manufacturing fault, you are responsible for returning the goods to us at your expense. Any returned goods must be complete, unused, and in "as new"condition.

If the products arrive with a manufacturing fault, please contact our Customer Services team immediately and we will make all the necessary arrangements to have the goods replaced.

If your order arrives as arranged but we're unable to deliver because there's nobody home, the goods are refused, there's inadequate help available, or the order is changed/cancelled within 48 hours of your delivery, you will be liable for any additional costs incurred for the goods being returned. The return delivery charge for failed deliveries is £20 or £0.70 per kg if the weight is over 29kg.

Please note – unfortunately, we can’t accept products which are bespoke, made to your specifications or cut from a roll unless they’re faulty.

Flooring returns restrictions

We are not obliged to accept any returns – whether partial or complete – after 14 days after ordering. However, we will always try our best to accept back stock in any situation where it’s possible. Ultimately, returns are only accepted at the discretion of a management level staff member.

Please remember, in all situations where there is no manufacturing fault, you are responsible for returning the goods to us, at your expense, in complete, unused, and in "as new" condition and within 30 days of purchase.

If you have any concerns, please give us a call before you order and we will be happy to explain any restrictions on your product choice.


We are only able to accept back orders if the product:

  • Is an item we keep in stock.

  • Is an item which we regularly sell.

  • Is returned in full packs – no partial packs will be accepted.

  • Is in perfect condition.

Please also note that we are unable to accept back sheet vinyl in any situation as they are cut to fit. We strongly recommend that products are returned to us in the original packaging, as this is designed to keep the flooring as safe as possible in transit.


We aim to refund customers within 14 days after receiving goods, or in the case of orders cancelled before dispatch, as soon as we receive written confirmation of your intention to cancel your order

Ballet Dancers

Have a look at our online store for floor finishes

A beautiful dance deserves a beautiful floor

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